Présentation de MULTI-LOOP-2017

The purpose of the workshop will be (1) to review the state of the art in mathematical and computer algebra methods devoted to multi-loop Feynman diagram computations (2) to examine the most recent applications of such techniques in various areas (3) to confront the different approaches and discuss their interplay. The workshop will combine both world-leading experts in the developments of the techniques as well as scientists from various backgrounds (particle physics, mathematical physics, gauge theory, integrability, string theory, statistical mechanics, condensed matter physics,...) interested in the application of the techniques to specific problems.

The workshop will be held in Paris at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) from Wednesday 7  to Thursday 8 of June 2017.
Registration is free of charge but mandatory
(it includes coffee breaks, lunch and conference dinner).
The workshop is supported by FRIF (Fédération de Recherche : Interactions Fondamentales) and Sorbonne Universités via the International Research Seminars of Sorbonne Universités (Séminaires Internationaux de Recherche de Sorbonne Universités).
Organizing committee:
Benjamin Basso (LPTENS Paris)
Mikhail Kompaniets (St Petersburg University)
Anatoly Kotikov (JINR Dubna)
Sofian Teber (LPTHE Paris)
Personnes connectées : 1